Submit your dive plan
Inform the Dive Medicine Department of Landspítali about your dives
Crerated for the divers in Iceland, for those dives that are out of the recreational limits, or during tough conditions.
How to:
There are two ways to send us your dive plan, only use one of then to avoid repeated information.
Fill the form below
Send an email to:
When to send us your dive plan:
Deeper than 40 meters
Longer than 60 minutes
Planned deco stops
Technical diving or use of special gases (Helium, Oxygen)
Altitude diving
Hard ceiling penetration diving (Cavern, cave, ice and wreck diving)
Public Safety Diving and Special Operations Diving
Remote location diving operations (Highlands, offshore)
What information you should include:
Contact information
Date of the dive(s)
Type of dive: Recreational, Technical, Commercial, Rescue, Military, etc.
Planed Depth and total time of dive
Number of divers involved
Any other information you consider (Special equipment, gases, etc)
The information sent is and will be confidential for the exclusive use of our department and for informational purposes only. The responsibility for the planning and execution of the dive will always lie with the diver and / or instructor.
Dive responsibly, respect the limits of training, experience and equipment, take into account the environmental conditions at the time of the dive.
The Hyperbaric and Dive Medicine Department of the National University Hospital of Iceland is not responsible for the diving activities of the diving plans that are sent to this email. It is neither responsible nor liable for failures in the planning of dives. The plans sent are exclusively for informational purposes, and will not be analyzed with critical intentions or for planning supervision of said activities.