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Ráðgjöf Köfunarlæknis allan sólarhringinn
S. 543-1000
Háþrýstiklefi bakvakt allan sólarhringinn
Tilvisanir: Heilsugátt eða Saga >> Tilvísanir >> Háþrýsti- og Köfunarlækningadeild >> Köfun Bráðameðferð
Forgangur: 01-Brátt
Diving Sickness or Accidents
Contact the diving doctor on-shift 24/7
Phone: (+354) 543-1000
Hyperbaric Chamber available 24h all year round
We have a permanent response team with specialist doctors and nurses in
Hyperbaric & Dive Medicine On-Call 24 hours / 365 days of the year
Diving Emergency > Köfun Bráðameðferð
Indications for Diving Emergency:
Decompression Illness
Any diving accident (includes snorkeling and freediving)
Any acute ill patient involved in diving activities in the last 72 hours
Emergency Hyperbaric Oxygen > Háþrýsti Bráðameðferð
Indications for Emergency Treatment:
• Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning.
• Gas/air embolism.
• Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO).
• Crush injury and no-fracture compartment syndrome.
• Second degree burns with more than 20% body surface area.
• Gaseous gangrene and necrotizing tissue infections.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment > Háþrýstisúrefnismeðferð
Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment:
• Open fractures with crush injury.
• Osteoradionecrosis.
• Soft tissue radio necrosis.
• Anaerobic or mixed bacterial infections.
• Sudden deafness.
• Diabetic foot lesions.
• Femoral head necrosis.
• Compromised skin grafts and musculocutaneous flaps.
• Radio-induced lesions of soft tissues.
• Surgery and implant in irradiated tissue.
• Ischemic ulcers.
• Refractory chronic osteomyelitis.
• Pneumatosis cystoids intestinalis.
• Neuroblastoma stage IV.
• Brain injury (selected acute or chronic cases).
• Larynx radio-induced lesions.
• CNS radio-induced lesions.
• Post-vascular procedure reperfusion syndrome.
• Limb replantation.
• Non-healing wounds secondary to systemic processes.
• Sickle cell disease.
• Interstitial cystitis
Long-Covid (new)
Fitness to Dive > Köfun Læknisskoðun
Indications for Fitness to Dive:
Those who are healthy and require a medical clearance for diving, to be able to enroll a diving course, training, or activity/tour in Iceland or abroad.
Any patient with a disease who is willing to dive, enroll any diving training or renew a previous expired medical fitness to dive clearance (apply for all types of diving activities)
Divers from the public force, who require routinely medical clearance to dive, or what are candidates for diving training course for the first time.
Other requests > Ráðgjöf
Send a request for an opinion from a doctor expert in Hyperbaric and Dive Medicine